Jul 30, 2023
2 min read

Doppler Turns 5

Doppler Turns 5

Wow, Doppler just turned 5, time flies when you are having fun! I remember when we were just 2 people working out of a one-room apartment fueled by the bliss of enthusiasm and passion. It’s crazy how much has changed in such a short period of time. We went from an apartment to an office, CoffeeScript (pls don’t judge) to Typescript, serving 600 secrets a month to over 11B and much more. Over the years we built an incredibly hard-working and talented team that is passionate about shaping the future of secrets management through SecretOps.

If you are an optimist by nature like me, it’s easy to fixate on building the future you see. Every so often though it’s good to look back. To remember the small things that have made this journey worthwhile. I can wholeheartedly say that Doppler is one of the only places I have worked where the team members feel like true friends. I just heard a story this week of a PM flying with their partner to spend the weekend with another Dopplerite just for the fun of it! It’s important to remember as a leader that our people, not just the mission, are what gets everyone excited every day to work on the hard stuff.

Switching gears, it’s taken many years as a tech industry for us to wise up and start managing our secrets! The risks to companies and their customers are very real if we don’t! Customers trust the services they use to keep their sensitive data private. But hacking is getting easier and cheaper by the day, especially with the explosion in AI. We need more conversations on secrets management at the executive and compliance level. Our leaders need to understand the risks and mitigate them. We are talking about the literal keys to our data kingdoms! Over the years, the conversations have been growing and hopefully, soon they will reach a critical mass where it becomes an industry standard. I believe we can and will do it.

If you have a passion for working on security developer tool problems that impact every company that writes code, take a look at our careers page. You don’t need a background in security, just a passion for impact. We are remote-first, work on incredibly hard problems, and celebrate our wins and losses as a team during quarterly offsites!

Lastly, we would not be where we are without our amazing customers. We’d love to take a moment to thank you for your support and trust.

It’s been an extraordinary 5 years and I cannot wait for the next 5.

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