Jun 27, 2023
5 min read

June '23 Doppler Product Update

June '23 Doppler Product Update

Summer is just getting started and so are we. Read on to see where we’ve been turning up the heat with product updates and improvements.

Doppler Share

Doppler Share launched in 2021 to help anyone send sensitive data through an encrypted link. We’ve continued to see Share rise in popularity and have been listening closely to user feedback on how to improve it. We’ve given it a subtle makeover to improve the user experience which includes removing the use of emojis in the copy on the page and updating the button display to allow for a better visual of the information available to you. If you’re a Share user, keep that feedback coming. We’ve got more planned!

Integration Updates

Improving our existing integrations is just as important to us as launching new ones. This month we updated our Vercel integration to allow for their new max limit of syncing up to 1,000 secrets.

Using our Fly.io integration? If you’ve migrated to their new V2 experience, you’ll benefit from our update which now automatically restarts Fly.io Machines under their new platform when secrets are synced. Their new V2 platform improves speed, reliability, and more. Have an idea for a new integration or an improvement to an existing one? Tell us in our Community!

What else have we been up to?

  • The secrets page now displays a warning message when deleting a secret that is referenced elsewhere. This should expand awareness about where secrets are referenced and help prevent invalid references. Learn More about secret referencing.
  • Added a new API endpoint for retrieving metadata about current token and quickly expanded the fields available in it. This endpoint includes the token name, slug, type, token_preview, created_at, and last_seen_at fields.
  • All users with sync permissions will now receive the email notification when deleting secrets from a config fails. Previously, only Admins and Owners received the notification.
  • We are now sending emails to all users with webhooks permissions when a webhook is disabled. We previously only emailed Workplace Owner and Admin roles.
  • The webhook payload now will include modified secret names. Learn More about webhooks.
  • Migrated the Activity Log page to React which brings performance improvements and allows for future UX changes.
  • Extended our search capabilities to now allow for searching for config names when there are more than 20 configs in a project and fixed an issue with the search bar not showing correct content based on the current page the user is on.
  • Users can now grant environment creation permissions without granting access to all environments or granting access to create configs. Learn more about team management here.
  • Fixed a few issues with broken links - "reach out" links on tabs on the Billing page and 'Learn More' links on new user Pro Tips.
  • UX fix to misalignment of Account Authentication sections buttons by centering vertically.
  • Fixed an issue where new user ProTip on Projects page would flicker.
  • Now only sending secret reminder emails to users with necessary permissions on the affected environment.
  • Users are now required to re-authenticate if their geolocation data changes or when changing countries.
  • Fixed an issue where the sort order for secrets in the Action Required list wasn't always correct.
  • We’re now displaying the timezone name instead of numeric timezone offset on logs in the dashboard.

Watch, Read, Attend

  • Watch - Check out Qovery Demo Day on Thursday June 29th to see our Senior Solutions Engineer Hamza Sharif demoing our integration with Qovery.
  • Attend - Sign up for CodeSecDays virtual happening tomorrow, June 28th. Hear from Doppler, Snyk, GitGuardian, Kondukto and more share insights on the present and future of software supply chain security.

What Doppler is Digging This Month

Here's some stuff we're excited about as of late. Let us know what cool stuff you're building, reading, or even playing by replying to this email or posting in the Doppler Community, and we might feature your thing next month!

  • Overflow - Overflow makes generosity frictionless by enabling nonprofit organizations to easily accept stock, crypto, and cash donations in minutes on our secure platform. And they’re built with Doppler too!
  • Figma’s Dev Mode - This new space in Figma immediately caught our attention. It makes it easier and faster to find the details you need to turn designs into code.
  • Doppler VS Code Extension - We’ve heard great feedback on our VS Code extension. Try it and enjoy reading and editing secrets side by side with your code.

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