May 29, 2024
3 min read

May '24 Product Update

May '24 Product Update

We’ve packed this newsletter with fresh updates. Continue reading to catch up on the latest features we've launched this month.

Reference secrets across personal configs

Managing secrets across personal configs was challenging with no way to reference secrets or share values between them. Now, you can easily reference secrets in personal configs from other personal configs. This allows you to consolidate and manage your secrets more efficiently, reducing redundancy, and improving security. Head over to the dashboard to check it out!

What else have we been up to?

  • Fixed a UX issue where the screen jumped when opening the value type menu on a config with many secrets.
  • Workplaces with SCIM enabled can now manually invite and remove users with unverified domains by Workplace Admins.
  • Fixed a highlighting issue where some options would not highlight with keyboard navigation or mouse hover.
  • Updated our Supabase integration to honor the SUPABASE_ prefix and maximum secret size.
  • Added support for the doppler secrets --raw --json format in the import secrets modal which allows value type and visibility to be set on import.
  • Fixed a lag when editing secrets in large configs on Chrome for a smoother experience.
  • AWS Lambda ResourceNotFoundException will now display a clearer error message like "Function not found: arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:00000:function:Example”.
  • Enhanced functionality around managing dismissed secrets for better readability by truncating long secret names, simplifying the display, and reducing visual clutter.
  • Improved the Workplace and Account deletion flow experience to ensure clarity and ease of use for this critical action.

Listen, Read, Watch

  • Listen - Doppler founder and CEO, Brian Vallelunga, joined the Security Confidential podcast to discuss the future of secrets management and cybersecurity trends. Listen to the episode here.
  • Read - Discover how AgentSync cut their cloud spending by 10% and drastically reduced the time spent managing secrets by using Doppler. Read the full case study to learn more.
  • Watch - Our newest YouTube video compares Doppler to traditional secrets managers. Watch the video to learn why secrets management has entered a new era and how Doppler is leading the charge.

What Doppler is Digging This Month

Here's some stuff we're excited about as of late. Let us know what cool stuff you're building, reading, or even playing by replying to this email or posting in the Doppler Community, and we might feature your thing next month!

  • TenBlueLinks - Finding the AI Google search results as annoying as we do? Turn them off.
  • Boompop - Doppler customer, Boompop, helps organize personalized virtual and in-person events to boost team engagement and company culture.
  • Weird Medieval Guys - Dive into medieval history by exploring 5 interactive maps.
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