
Follow along with updates and improvements made to Doppler.

April 29, 2024
Product Launches

April '24 Product Update

Secret Value Types

Now, you can set the Value Type of a secret to ensure the value is in the right format when it is saved in Doppler. You can select to validate types like JSON, JSON5, YAML, and many more from the Doppler Dashboard. This feature is available to all plans today. Read more in our documentation or see the feature in action here.

Webhook Improvements

We’ve been busy improving Webhooks functionality with the goal of giving you more flexibility and control in how you work with Doppler. Here’s what we’ve released so far:

  • UI Enhancements: We’ve made editing Webhooks directly within the UI possible.
  • API Automation: You can now automate the creation and editing of Webhooks via our API.

What else have we been up to?

  • Doppler CLI v3.68.0 is here and now supports doppler secrets set --visibility
  • We’ve expanded our Getting Started page for new user onboarding to Workplaces with role-based access.
  • Fixed an issue with the Cloudflare pages integration where syncs were failing with 400 errors.
  • Made it easier to add a payment method by auto-opening the billing info form on the Billing page when clicking on an action to add a credit card from another page.
  • Fixed issues that prevented workplaces from downgrading their plan due to Trusted IPs being used.
  • Updated the 'Compare By Secret' feature to suggest secret names only from environments the user has read access to.
  • Fixed an issue where a secret's visibility type could not be changed from restricted to masked if other changes had already been made to the secret.
  • Improved the error handling in secret sharing from configs, revealing only the secret to be shared rather than triggering errors for restricted secrets not involved in the sharing process.
  • Optimized load times across Workplaces by resolving an issue where the high project count in one workplace negatively impacted performance when switching between multiple workplaces.
  • Enhanced the Compare page with fixes for scrolling on long secrets, improved empty state visuals, and streamlined the experience for hiding and showing secret values.