
Follow along with updates and improvements made to Doppler.

September 27, 2023
Product Launches
Generate Secrets In-Dashboard, Centralize Your Integration Syncs, Manage Billing Options, Improved Access Controls, and More.

Generate Secrets In-Dashboard, Centralize Your Integration Syncs, Manage Billing Options, Improved Access Controls, and More.

Fall is in the air, and we're falling head over heels for our latest product updates and features. Keep reading to harvest the benefits of what we've been cultivating.

Generate Secrets

There’s a new significant enhancement to your Doppler dashboard—the ability to generate secret values directly within the platform. You can now create secure, random secrets without the need to switch between different tools. Simply hover over the secret, then click the 'Generate' button in the action bar. This feature not only simplifies the secret generation process, but it also streamlines secret management for your entire team, centralizing the creation and access of secrets all in one convenient location.

Centralized View of Syncs

You now have centralized visibility of all your integration syncs directly from the Settings page. Gone are the days of clicking into each individual project and drilling down further to find out where your syncs are set up. Now, you can see all this information in one consolidated view, right from Settings. This update not only saves you time but also provides a clearer, more efficient way to view all of your syncs and their status.

Enhanced Secret Search

We've supercharged our global search functionality, located conveniently in the top navigation bar, to allow you to search for secrets by name across your entire Workplace. This isn't just a tweak; it's an enhancement designed to make using Doppler more efficient and user-friendly. No more sifting through projects or environments—find exactly what you're looking for, right when you need it, all from one central location. And we've got some even bigger search improvements on the way!

What Else Have We Been Up To?

  • We’ve added new native sync integrations for Deno Deploy and Harness, making it even easier to manage your secrets within partner ecosystems.
  • Terraform Doppler Provider v1.3.0 is live with support for terraform import along with new resources for managing Doppler groups, service accounts, and project access.
  • Updated our AWS Secret Manager integration to allow you to configure Doppler to sync secrets with tags.
  • For Team and Enterprise Workplaces using Terraform, we’ve enhanced your experience by doubling the Read Rate Limits on each plan.
  • Introduced the capability to permanently redact previous versions of secrets from the version history tab for heightened security and compliance.
  • The Workplace Billing page has been updated to allow you to add or update your billing address and Tax ID, such as a European VAT Number, directly—making invoice handling more efficient and compliant.
  • As part of our ongoing effort to improve the user experience in Doppler, we've migrated our Users and Tokens pages to React, resulting in faster load times and enhanced responsiveness for more efficient secrets management.
  • We've rolled out several new API endpoints, enabling you to fetch and manage individual or custom roles, manage groups, project roles, project members, and handle service accounts with ease.
  • Managing members access to environments is now easier with our switch from a column view to a dropdown view, showing all environments available for you to choose from.
  • Added an option to disable machine restarts for integration syncs, allowing you to have full control over your service’s restart behavior.
  • You can now easily search and sort projects by name in the dashboard, making it easier to find what you need.
  • Fixed an issue with our DigitalOcean integration where empty env var values would break the sync.
  • We've enhanced our webhook capabilities. You can now configure webhooks at the config level within each environment, giving you granular control over event triggers.
  • You’ll now see project and config information in API responses when listing an integration’s syncs.
  • We've separated Custom Roles into workplace and project categories for a more streamlined user experience.
  • To elevate your Netlify sync experience, we've added support for 'all contexts,' enabling seamless synchronization across multiple environments.
  • We've enhanced your controls by adding the ability to edit project access for groups and service accounts directly from their details page, simplifying user and service accounts management.